This page lists all the informational articles on this website—from
how-to’s to overviews, these detailed guides will help you get the job
done right.
A Brief History of Swaps
SWAPS is a clever acronym for “Special Whatchamacallits Affectionately Pinned Somewhere.” SWAPS are small tokens or keepsakes that Girl Scouts (and adults) trade with other Girl Scouts that serve as a reminder of a memory or special event.
Adapting for Various Abilities
This article outlines how to equitably serve Girl Scouts when approaching and welcoming children with varying abilities.
All About Progression This article outlines what Girl Scout progression is all about.
All About Juliette Girl Scouting
Learn how Juliettes can participate in a way that fits their schedule and choose activities that meet their needs and interests.
Ambassador Uniform Guide
Learn key patches, pins, insignia, and their placement on the Ambassador uniform.
Approved Bus Companies
These companies meet the standards of Girl Scouts River Valleys for transporting Girl Scouts for trips, activities, and events.
Automated Clearing House (ACH) FAQs – These frequently asked questions will help you understand situations that require a withdrawal or credit to troop bank accounts.
Beginners Guide to Outdoor Skills This article highlights a few topics that might help you feel a bit more prepared to plan and lead an outdoor adventure with your Girl Scout(s).
Being Inclusive
This article for all volunteers discusses how you can ensure Girl Scouts is inclusive and welcoming for all Girl Scouts.
Brand and Communication Resources
This article for volunteers looking Girl Scout brand resources, you’ll find our Girl Scouts River Valleys style guide, photo permission forms for volunteers to use, Girl Scout logos, trefoils, and profiles images, as well as Girl Scout powerpoint templates.
Ceremonies, Traditions, and Celebrations
This article for troop leaders explains some of the ceremonies, traditions, and celebrations that Girl Scouts can participate in such as bridging and Court of Awards.
Contactless Cookie Payment Options
In this article we expand on approved contactless payment options for troops to use when collecting monies owed from families for sold cookies. Troops can decide which one works best for their troop and families.
Cookie Cupboards
During the Girl Scout Cookie Program, we open our cookie cupboards to all Girl Scouts River Valleys’ troops participating in the cookie sale to replenish your troop’s inventory.
Cookie Cupboard FAQs
In this article we answer a list commonly asked questions related to cookie cupboards and planned orders.
Cookie Booth Sales
This article provides resources and guides to assist volunteers and girls with the Cookie Booth Sale.
The Cookie Press
Read The Cookie Press blog for up-to-date information about the Girl Scout Cookie Program including cookie booths, training, initial orders, rewards, Smart Cookies and more.
Cookie Rally Guide
This article provides a guide for planning a cookie rally.
Cookie Swap Instructions
This article will guide you through arranging a cookie swap between troops.
Community/Area Fall Product Resources
This article for community/area product leaders lists all the accompanying resources referenced in their guidebook.
Community Service Girl Scouts love to give back—it’s part of our mission to “make the world a better place!” There are many ways troops can help their communities, whether through a service project or Take Action project.
Counterfeit Money Tips
These tips provide information on what to do if you or your troop encounter counterfeit money, and to what to look for when receiving cash.
Creating a Positive Atmosphere
These tips will help troop leaders develop a positive atmosphere at troop meetings and in activities.
Facilitating a Successful Troop Training
This article provides leaders and volunteers with tools to facilitate a successful troops training to prepare new leaders for their upcoming Girl Scout year.
GREENPRINT: A Community-First, Mission Support Model
A Community-First, Mission Support Model aims to re-create and re-imagine our Girl Scout Service Unit structure, boundaries, roles, and volunteer support to ensure youth in all communities can benefit from Girl Scout programs. As part of this new model, Girl Scouts River Valleys will intentionally uplift, train, support, and empower our volunteer leaders to use their voices and skills to maintain and create vibrant local communities of Girl Scouts in our region.
Group Dynamics and Management Learn group management tricks like troop agreements and how to teach and communicate with Girl Scouts.
gsLearn Learn how to access gsLearn volunteer trainings available with you Girl Scout membership.
Health, Safety, and Using Safety Activity Checkpoints
These resources will help you understand your responsibilities as a volunteer in this regard. Resources include Safety Activity Checkpoints, first aid, insurance enrollment, crises, accidents, incidents, and claims.
How Cookie Money Works
This article for troop leaders, cookie managers and families outlines how cookie money works throughout the cookie program including a timeline and tips for handling money.
How Daisy Troops Can Be Girl Scout-Led This article for troop leaders, cookie managers and families outlines how cookie money works throughout the cookie program including a timeline and tips for handling money.
How Girl Scouts Works
Read on for three ways you can help your Daisies start their path to leadership.
How to Implement the 3 Girl Scout Processes Girl Scouts will take on plenty of new adventures—whether that is exploring the bustling streets of Tokyo or earning the highest honor in Girl Scouts. Just as important as what Girl Scouts do, though, is how they do it.
How to Renew Your Volunteer Role
Volunteers can use these step-by-step instructions to manage their volunteer roles and membership.
How to Renew Your Troop
Troop leaders can use these step-by-step instructions to renew their existing troop online, add new troop members, and update troop information.
Initial Cookie Order
This article is where cookie volunteers can learn more about initial cookie orders and mini and mega drop cookie deliveries.
Introduction to Rallyhood
In this article, you will learn about the all-in-one platform for Girl Scout communication and collaboration.
Junior Uniform Guide
Learn key patches, pins, insignia, and their placement on the Junior uniform.
Letting Girls Take the Lead
Troop leaders can use these tips to incorporate the girl-led model at every grade level.
Managing Community Money
This article for community treasurers and managers lists all the accompanying resources referenced in the Finance Packet.
Mission, Promise, and Law
This article outlines the Girl Scout mission, Promise, and Law, and how to use them in your Girl Scout life.
Older Troops Learn little tricks that make older Girl Scout activities engaging and the troop running smoothly.
Opening a Troop Bank Account
This article for troop leaders covers using the Troop Finance Packet (includes best Practices, Troop Finance Tracker, Girl Scouts River Valleys W9 Form, and Wells Fargo Letter of Authorization) to open a checking account at Wells Fargo (or other bank) as part of the finance management process.
Outdoor Leader Resources
Outdoor leader volunteers can use these training guides to teach volunteers the outdoor skills they need or to keep their own outdoor skills up to date.
Prevent and Handle Troop Conflict
This article for troop leaders covers common challenges and gives common solutions for handling conflicts within troops.
Program Credit Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
This article for troops who have earned program credits through participation in Girl Scout River Valleys Fall Snacks & Magazines and/or Cookie Programs.
Race and Cultural Inclusivity This article outlines how we help Girl Scouts embrace and normalize differences and be the inclusive force we wish to see in the world.
Resources for Promoting Camp
This article for community and program leaders lists available promotional resources for camp and how to use them.
Senior Uniform Guide
This article for Senior-level troop leaders explains key patches, pins, insignia, and their placement on the Senior uniform.
Transitioning to a New Grade Level This article for troop leaders explains how to make the bridging transition into a new grade level smooth and special.
Travel Progression and Planning
We know planning trips can be a lot of work, so we’ve created this article just for troop leaders which outlines travel progressions, planning resources, and exciting travel opportunities for your troop or individual Girl Scout.
Troop Cookie Manager Resources
This article for troop cookie managers lists all the accompanying resources referenced in their guidebook.
Troop Fall Product Manager Resources
This article for troop fall product managers lists all the accompanying resources referenced in their guidebook.
Troop Family Meeting One: Kick Off the Year
We have advice and resources in this article for troop leaders to plan their first family meeting (the beginning of the Girl Scout year) to guide families with gusto!
Troop Family Meeting Two: Cookies
We have advice and resources in this article for troop leaders to plan their cookie-related family meeting (generally held in December) that’ll serve as a kick-off the Girl Scout Cookie Program.
Troop Government
Troop government is an easy, structured way for Girl Scouts to govern and manage their troop decisions and discussions. Troop leaders can use this guide to learn how to implement troop government and help Girl Scouts take the lead.
Understanding Parliamentary Procedures
This article for delegates and alternates outlines the common motion and secondary motion procedures used at business meetings—specifically at the Annual Meeting.
Uniform Guide
Find where on the Girl Scout uniform to place badges, patchs and more.
Using Looker
This article for community and area volunteers discusses how to access and navigate Looker, an online tool to access real time membership data for their community.
Volunteer Discount Programs
We’re happy to offer all Girl Scouts River Valleys volunteers special access to discounted prices on fabric and craft supplies at JOANN.
Volunteer Recognition Awards
This article is for volunteers looking for ways to recognize other volunteers and say thank you.
Volunteer Toolkit (VTK)
This article for troop leaders discusses how to get the most out of the Girl Scout Volunteer Toolkit (VTK), a digital troop management tool.
What is a Kaper Chart and Why Should I Use One? A “kaper” is a job or chore that must be done. A “kaper chart” is a Girl Scout tradition of divvying up these troop responsibilities. The chart lists all the jobs that are available and who’s in charge of each one.