Your company can support a program that engages Girl Scouts in hands-on learning and career mentorship.
As a program partner, we work with your organization to identify an area you’d like to support based on your industry while keeping your corporate social responsibility priorities in mind. Together we develop an age-appropriate curriculum that gives Girl Scouts the opportunity to explore real-life careers for their future and prepares them for a lifetime of leadership. Program partnership is a great way to engage employees in meaningful hands-on volunteer opportunities. Examples of program partnerships include:
Power Girls –Year-round skilled trades and applied STEM programming.
Girl Scout Leadership Institute – [NEW!] Teen program sessions designed to prepare youth for the transition to adulthood, including career exploration, mental health, leadership, and college prep.
Camping and Outdoors – Outdoor skills courses, overnight/adventure programs, nature preservation, wilderness exploration and more.
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) - Custom programs in computer science, medical technology, waste management, nuclear science, health care, and more.