Become a Daisy

Girl Scout Basics


Why choose Girl Scouts?


Girl Scouts' unique programs bring out the best in kids and help them become the confident leaders they were born to be. While they’re having fun and trying new things, they're also building important life skills, discovering the power of their voice, and learning to give back to their community.


How does it work?


Groups of Girl Scouts, called troops, typically meet once or twice per month for an hour or two. Guided by adult volunteers, troop members choose hands-on activities and projects that excite them. Troops are often formed around schools, neighborhoods, faith communities, or other social groups.


When can I get started?


Whenever you’re ready! Grades K-12 are welcome to join at any point in the year.


Adult First Name is required. 0/100
Adult Last Name is required. 0/100
Email Address is required. 0/100
Phone Number is required. Please enter a valid phone number. 0/0
ZIP Code is required. Please enter 5-digit ZIP code. 0/30
Start a Daisy Troop
Start a Daisy Troop

New Daisy (K-1) troop leaders receive free monthly supply boxes filled with everything you need for fun, engaging troop meetings!