In this section you will find instructions on the basic tasks your Girl Scout needs to know to successfully utilize their Digital Cookie platform.
Log Into Digital Cookie as a Girl Scout
Girl Scout Login
Watch for your registration email* from “Girl Scout Cookies” ( with the subject “It’s time to register your Girl Scout for Digital Cookie!” Search your junk/spam/promotions folder if you didn’t receive this email. View screenshot
*Be sure to add to your address book so you get your email.
Select the pink button to take you to the Digital Cookie registration site.
(For best results, use the most recent version of your web browser)
After being transferred to the Digital Cookie website, You’ll need to create a password. View screenshot
Log in with your email address and password.
When you first log in, watch and review the “Safe Selling for Smart Cookies” safety video with your Girl Scout(s). You can’t proceed any further until the full video has been viewed.
Read and accept the Terms and Conditions.
Read and accept the “Girl Scout Safety Pledge” with your Girl Scout(s).
You will then be taken to a screen to activate your Girl Scout(s) for the Digital Cookie program and update their preferred name, if desired. View screenshot
If your Girl Scout is older than 13, you can add an optional Girl Email Address in the designated box. Girl Scouts 13+ can manage most of her Digital Cookie site on her own, but still need an adult to approve the Girl Scout’s site and approve orders. View screenshot
After activating your Girl Scout(s), click “Access Site” to be taken to the first Girl Scout’s home page.
Once you have registered, watch your inbox for a registration confirmation email and save this email where you can find it during cookie season!
If your Girl Scout is older than 13 and you added her email address, the registration confirmation email will go to the Girl Scouts email.
Registration Issues
If you’re having issues getting registered, select the Need Help Logging In button. Girl Scouts must be registered for the current membership year and we will need to have the correct email address on file for the primary caregiver.
Check your junk/spam/promotions inbox one more time for an email from “Girl Scout Cookies” ( If you do not find the email, follow next steps.
Start by clicking on the “Request a Registration Email” and enter the email address you used to register your Girl Scout. View screenshot
If your email is in the system, you will get a message letting you know that you have been sent a registration email and you will receive it within 15 minutes. If your email is not in the system you will receive a red message, if you think your Girl Scout is registered then choose to “check the email address that’s on file for you.” View screenshot
Select our Girl Scout Council, Girl Scouts River Valleys or Minnesota and Wisconsin River Valleys. Then enter your Girl Scout’s first name, last name, and troop number to verify your Digital Cookie information.
If your Girl Scout’s information is not in the system at all, or not in the way you entered it, you will get a message to contact your council, Troop Leader, or Customer Support.
If your Girl Scout is in the system, you will see the information in order to verify it is correct. View screenshot
Any updates made will need to be reviewed and approved by Girl Scouts River Valleys before your Digital Cookie account will be activated. Once approved, you will receive a registration email and can begin accessing Digital Cookie.
To help your Girl Scout set up her business for customers, click on the “Set up your Digital Cookie site…” link in the “My Cookie Site” section, or the “Site Setup” at the top. View screenshot
There are several different sections to her home page. These are: Goal Setting: “Set My Sales Target”, “My Cookie Story”, Photo/Video Upload, and Preview and Publish Your Site.
Goal Setting: Set My Sales Target
Girl Scouts enter how many packages of cookies they are working to sell this year through online and offline sales.
When the information is entered, the calculator will show how much money the troop will get from her hard work.
Clicking on “Rewards” will take you to your council’s rewards tab (if available) to see what rewards the Girl Scout might want to work towards.
Girl Scouts can enter any offline packages they have sold so their customers will see their total sales, not just their digital sales.
Don’t forget to save your goal before moving on. View screenshot
My Cookie Story
Girl Scouts tell their customers about a troop goal and why it’s important.
Girl Scouts share what they’ve learned from the cookie program.
Save their story. They can make edits to it at any time. View screenshot
Photo/Video Upload
Girl Scouts can choose to upload a photo or use a picture from the gallery.
Or, Girl Scouts can upload a video or use the “Cookie Boss” video.
Girl Scouts who uploaded a photo or video of themselves sold more than double the boxes on average than those who did not.
Bonus! Girl Scouts can get tips on how to make a great video. View screenshot
See Your Cookie Site and Publish
Almost there! Simply click the button to see how the site appears to customers and publish. View screenshot
If your button only says “see your site” you may be missing some required fields or didn’t make any changes. Go back and check that everything has been completed.
You will see what the customer will see. Some things to check:
Is the spelling and grammar correct and does it tell a story?
Make sure the photo or video are displaying correctly.
Are the goals accurate.
If you need to change anything, click Edit and make changes, then go back to Step 2a.
If it looks good, approve and publish it.
Your Girl Scout’s cookie store now has its own website! If your council’s digital cookie sale hasn’t started, the link will not be active yet. View screenshot
Learn About Your Girl Scout Digital Cookie Dashboard
Your Digital Cookie Dashboard has information that helps you support your Girl Scouts’ Digital Cookie sales. There are nine tabs on your dashboard: Home, Badges, Learning, Site Setup, Customers, Orders, My Rewards, My Cookies, and Cheers.
The following are sections that you’ll see on the Home tab.
Cookie Sales Progress and Cheers
Track your cookie sales and how your troop is doing towards their goal. You can update your goal and enter offline sales all from your dashboard: View screenshot
You will also be notified from your dashboard if you have a new Cheer or easily send a Cheer to another Girl Scout in your troop right from your dashboard.
My Cookie Site
Once your site is set up, you can copy your site’s URL or download a QR code to share with customers. If you have not set up your site, reference the Site Setup tip sheet or video. View screenshot
Orders to Deliver In-Person
In this section you can see if you have orders to be approved or delivered: View screenshot
This section will let you know when you have completed a cookie pin or badge. Once you have completed the steps on the Badges page, the pin or badge you have completed will be colored in: View screenshot
From Your Council
You may see notes from Girl Scouts River Valleys in this section to cheer you on during the cookie season.
Online Sales and Marketing
Monitor your cookie business by viewing your total sales as well as a breakdown of sales by cookies and delivery options. You can also see how many marketing emails you have sent to customers: View screenshot
This page displays the Cookie Entrepreneur Family Pins, and the Cookie Business badges appropriate to your Girl Scout’s level. View the Entrepreneur Pins and Badges tip sheets.
This page has games, videos, and other Cookie Program exercises tailored to your Girl Scout’s age level. View the Learning Center tip sheet.
Site Setup
Use this page to set up your cookie site. For support on how to set it up, view the Girl Scout Login tip sheet, Site Setup section.
Connect with customers on this page by adding new friends and family, send emails, and monitor their orders.
Girl Scouts will be able to see the rewards they can earn and make selections once they get to that level. For details on how to make the selections, view the My Rewards tip sheet.
My Cookies
This page has three different sections. The Initial Order section does not apply to Girl Scouts River Valleys.
Cookie Inventory: monitor your cookie inventory throughout the sale, to keep track when you need to order additional cookies for orders from your troop.
Financials: monitor the financial piece of the cookie business to see if any money is due to the troop.
Delivery Settinges: this section you can turn off/on cookie varieties as well as the in-person delivery option for customers.
Send words of encouragement to other Girl Scouts in your troop and view any Cheers you may have received from customers, your troop volunteer, or other Girl Scouts from your troop.
Girl Scouts can add or import customers they want to send marketing emails to--and keep customers in Digital Cookie for referencing in future cookie seasons.
Clicking on a customer’s name brings up more information about the customer, including details about any orders. View screenshot
Send Marketing Emails
To send emails to your customers, check the box in front of all the customers you want to reach and click “Send Marketing Emails.”
You can select different customers and send different emails to them or send the same email to all your customers at the same time. View screenshot
Add Customer
To add customers manually, click “Add Customers.”
The only required field is Name. To maximize your marketing, you should complete as many of the fields as possible.
You can also add customers who have made a purchase and aren’t in your customer list.
Import Customer(s)
Click “More” then “Import.”
Instructions for how to import contacts will show. Click “Cookie Customers Template” to download. Navigate to your downloads and open the spreadsheet. The first tab will have detailed instructions. If the file opened in Protected View or Read Only, click “Enable Editing.” View screenshot
On the second tap of spreadsheet “Import_Customers,” fill in information based on the template provided. Save spreadsheet progress often. When complete, close the file.
Click “Choose File” button in your Digital Cookie tab and select “Import_Customer” file (it may be in your downloads still or wherever you saved it to). Click “Import File.” While the file is uploaded, you can send marketing emails to these customers.
The “More” drop down menu also gives you the option to export your customer list. When you choose “Export” a screen will pop up with instructions on how to export your customer list and save it to your computer: View screenshot
QR Code/Digital Cookie Site Link
You can also send customers a link to your Digital Cookie website OR generate a QR code for them to use directly from your home page.
Customers who purchase directly from a link won’t be reflected as an email sent in your totals. But their orders are treated the same no matter how they reached your website. View screenshot
View Your Online Orders and Approve Online Orders for Local Delivery
Order Received (In-Person Delivery)
Congratulations! Your Girl Scout received an order and the customer requested she deliver the cookies in person. Below we will walk you through the steps that need to be taken prior to delivering the cookies.
If you receive an In-Person Delivery order that you need to approve and you have not approved the order by midnight, you will receive an email from with the subject “Action required: you have an in-person delivery request!” letting you know your Girl Scout has received an order for delivery. Hooray!
Click on the “Orders” tab and see what orders are pending your approval. View screenshot
You will see a list of all orders needing approval, including the customer order number, number of packages in each order, the customer’s address, when the customer placed the order, and the number of days you have to approve it until it reverts to the customer’s second choice option. View screenshot
Tip #1: The customer's second choice could be "Cancel" or "Donate." Don't risk a lost sale and a disappointed customer—approve or decline orders within five days.
Tip #2:Be sure to approve the order before delivering it to make sure the customer's payment is accepted.
When determining whether to approve or decline the order, consider: Is the customer a known and trusted individual? Are you willing and able to get the cookies to the customer’s location before the end of the sale. AND Do you have or will you have the inventory available? If so, “Approve Order.”
Customers receive an email to expect their cookies within two weeks of when you have them.
If you are unable or unwilling to fulfill the customer’s order, click “Decline Order” and the order will default to whatever second option the customer has selected: “Cancel” or “Donate."
There are multiple ways to approve and decline orders for delivery.
Check the boxes in front of the orders you want to approve or decline and then click “Approve Order” or “Decline Order” View screenshot
Once you approve or decline you can’t change the action and an email is deployed to the customer: View screenshot
You will get a pop-up message confirming you want to approve all of the orders you selected and can deliver them to the customer:
Or that you want to decline all of the orders you selected and understand if the orders are being cancelled or donated: View screenshot
Click the “Select All” box, which will select all of the orders on that page that need approval, then click “Approve Order” or “Decline Order”. View screenshot
You will also get a pop-up message confirming your batch approval or declining of the orders selected, as above in option 1.
Click on the individual customer to bring up that person’s order details and click “Approve Order” or “Decline Order” at the bottom. View screenshot
If you have approved the order, it will move down to the section “Orders to Deliver”, below the “Approve” section. View screenshot
When you approve the order, the customer will be charged.
Make sure the Girl Scout follows through and delivers those cookies.
Once you have delivered the cookies, log back into Digital Cookie and mark those orders delivered. There are two ways to indicate you have delivered your order:
Check the “Select All” box to select all of the orders on the page; they will all be marked “Order Delivered”.
Check the box in front of any orders you have delivered, and then click “Order Delivered.” View screenshot
When they are marked as delivered, they will move down into the third section on the page as a completed order.
If the customer is not in her Digital Cookie contact list, your Girl Scout can check the box in front of the customer’s name and click “Add to Customers tab.” Then, the customer will be in her records for sending thank-you emails this year and marketing emails next year for repeat business. View screenshot
The troop volunteer will see the financial transaction as a credit to your Girl Scout in the baker software after you have approved delivering the order.
Order Received (Shipped/Donated)
Congratulations! Your Girl Scout received an order that is being shipped directly to the customer and/or donated. There isn’t anything you need to do (except remind your Girl Scout to send a Thank-You email), but here are things you will want to know.
Once you are in the Digital Cookie site, click the “Orders” tab to see what orders you received.
On the cookie orders page, you can see all of the orders that have been received. Girl Scouts can see who purchased the cookies, how many, when, and if they had them shipped or donated.
Clicking on the customer’s name for any of the orders will bring up details about what that customer ordered, including any donated boxes. View screenshot
If the customer is not in her Digital Cookie contact list, your Girl Scout can check the box in front of the customer’s name and click “Add to Customer List.”
Your troop volunteer has instructions on how these sales get credited to the Girl Scout’s account automatically. But rest assured it is an automatic process and she gets credit for digital sales the same as any other cookie sale.
While not required, you can take these extra steps in Digital Cookie to track inventory. Families can also use their own tracking system and/or receipts provided by the troop for their physical inventory totals.
Digital Cookie can help you make sure that you have enough cookies for your orders, track your progress on delivering/selling offline orders AND/OR make sure that your record of cookies received agrees with what your troop cookie volunteer has given your Girl Scout.
Here’s a look at the My Cookies page. View screenshot. We’ll talk about each section in this tip sheet:
Note: The top part of your dashboard shows the total number of packages that have been allocated to your Girl Scout from the troop cookie volunteer. It could include booth sales or troop sales. It is not the same as the number of cookies you are financially responsible for. View screenshot
Inventory: The inventory section gives you a quick view of how many cookies you should still have undelivered and how many you may need to fill your in-person orders. View screenshot
The first thing to note is “My Offline Sales”.
Offline sales are sales where a customer has paid for their cookies with cash or check. The Offline Sales will need to be updated by the Girl Scout/her caregiver after delivering cookies and receiving cash/check payment. If they are not entered in this section, they will not be removed from her inventory and this section will not be correct.
To enter offline sales, click the down arrow by the number of packages on the right side and open a screen to enter those sales.
When those are entered, click “Save Updates.” View screenshot
Once you click "Save Updates", you will be asked to confirm you want to update the inventory on your Progress Bar, or your Home tab. We recommend always selecting yes. View screenshot
You can also add Offline Sales directly from the Home tab, as shown below. Any sales added on the Home Tab do not reflect in the My Cookies Tab. View screenshot
Offline Sales Pro Tips:
My Offline Sales in the My Cookies Tab functions best when it is used as a running total of your offline sales.
Have more sales to add? Increase the amounts in each variety by the new amount sold, do not decrease any variety amounts unless you accidentally entered more cookies than were actually sold.
Always update your Offline Sales in the My Cookies Tab, and select “Yes, Update” so that the Packages Sold on the Home Tab reflects any additions.
Made a mistake when inputting your offline sales? Only the most recent entry can be edited to remove cookies. Do this by decreasing the necessary varieties in the My Cookies Tab by the amount you need to remove.
To add more offline sales, increase the amounts in each variety by the amount sold.
Example: Juliette was selling door-to-door on Monday and sold a total of 15 packages (5 Thin Mints, 5 Peanut Butter Patty, and 5 Adventurefuls). She entered the Offline Sales in Digital Cookie. The next day she sold 5 more packages of Thin Mints and 2 more packages of Adventurefuls while selling door-to-door. How would she input these extra 7 packages?
In the My Offline sales section in the My Cookies Tab, Juliette’s current inventory should display as 5 Thin Mints, 5 Peanut Butter Patty, and 5 Adventurefuls. This is from her first day of offline sales.
To account for the additional 5 packages of Thin Mints, Juliette would increase the current amount of Thin Mints (5) by the most recent amount sold (5). The total Thin Mints in the Offline sales should now be 10. This reflects that Juliette has sold a total of 10 Thin Mints in Offline sales.
To account for the additonal 2 packages of Adventurefuls sold, Juliette would increase the current amount of Adventurefuls (5) by the most recent amount sold (2). The total Adventurefuls in the Offline sales should now be 7. This reflects that Juliette has sold a total of 7 Adventurefuls in Offline sales.
Current Inventory: There are three other sections that calculate your inventory. The first is “Current Inventory”. If you click the arrow next to any of the varieties, you will see more detail on how that number was calculated. View screenshot
The “Received” numbers come from the information the Troop Cookie Volunteer has of how many cookies you have received and signed for. If you believe there is an error in this, please contact your Troop Cookie Volunteer.
The “Delivered” section will reflect the Offline Sales the Girl Scout has entered above, any sales made on the Mobile app using the “Give Cookies to Customer Now” feature and any girl delivery orders that have been delivered and marked delivered on the orders tab.
Pending Delivery: The next section will show how many cookies you need to fill girl delivery orders you have approved and girl delivery orders that you have yet to approve. View screenshot
Inventory Needed: The final inventory section is Inventory Needed. This will show if you need any packages of cookies to fill your orders.Be sure you can get the cookies you need before approving an order for a customer.
If you have questions about any of the numbers of received orders listed in your Current Inventory, ask your Troop Cookie Volunteer for more information.
Remember, it may take the volunteer a few days to enter transactions, so be patient if you have received cookies from the troop that need to be entered. View screenshot
Turn On/Off In-Person Delivery and/or Cookie Varieties in the "My
Cookies" Tab
The “My Cookies” tab contains a number of different functions for parents. This sheet explains the “Delivery Settings” portion. View screenshot
If you are concerned about your inventory, always check with your troop cookie volunteer first to see if you can get more cookies before turning off a variety. Turning it off means a customer doesn’t have the option to purchase it for delivery, so you don’t have to decline their order and disappoint them if they can’t get the variety they ordered.
When you know you need to turn off delivery, go to the bottom of your “My Cookies” tab and find the Girl Scout Delivery Settings section. View screenshot
Select “Inactive” to turn off Girl Scout delivery. Click “Update Delivery Settings” to confirm. In-person deliveries will no longer be an option until it is switched back to “Active” using the same process.
If you wish to offer delivery but are out of a cookie variety and can’t get more inventory, you can turn off just that variety of cookie for delivery and customers can only purchase those for shipping and not delivery.
Click “Off” on the variety you don’t have inventory for, then click the “Update Delivery Settings.” This will remove that variety from the Girl Scout delivery option. When you get inventory again for the variety, complete the same steps and switch the variety to “On” and click “Update Delivery Settings” to save. View screenshot
Take Credit Card Payments with the Digital Cookie Mobile App at a
Booth or on the Go
Opening the App
Purpose: Girl Scouts and Troop volunteers process, take credit card payments and review orders for in-person cookie sales and booths using the Mobile App,
Download the Digital Cookie app from the Apple App or Google Play stores. View screenshot
Use the email and password that you already used to set up your Digital Cookie account in a browser.
Once you’ve successfully logged into the app, Girl Scouts will see two options to select from: their Girl Scout account and the Troop’s account. View screenshot
*If you haven’t set up and published your Girl Scout and Troop Digital Cookie sites yet, you will get an error message.
Troop Account
Use the Troop account when making a sale that uses the troop inventory.
Cookie Booth credit card payments must happen within the Troop account.
Girl Scout Account
Use the Girl Scout account when making a sale that uses the Girl Scouts inventory.
Such as door-to-door, direct ship, deliver in person later
Logged in as Girl Scout
From the home page, the user can select “New Cookie Order,” “Visit My Site,” “Email My Site,” or “All Orders.” View screenshot
Tabs and Their Purposes
New Cookie Order: Take cookie orders through the app (in-person options)
Visit My Site: Access QR code for someone to scan
Email My Site: Send a link to a potential customer who doesn’t want to order right now
All Orders: View all orders by delivery method
How to Take a New Cookie Order
Use the + and – buttons to select cookie varieties and confirm with the customer the quantities are correct View screenshot
Click “Checkout”
Choose how the customer wants to receive their cookies. View screenshot
Any Girl Scouts Delivery option, confirm what the customer wants to do if the caregiver doesn’t approve the order within 5 days
Review order and payment options with customer
If delivery, prompt for delivery information will show
If in-hand, prompt for customer name, email, and billing zip code will show. Address is not required for in hand orders.
To complete order, click “Review” or “Place Order” depending on order type. Girl Scout will receive email confirmation of order.
Scan a Credit or Debit Card
Next to the payment details, there is a button to “Scan Card”. View screenshot
Once the order is place, the Girl Scout will receive an order confirmation screen. View screenshot
Logged in as Troop
From the home page, the user can select “New Cookie Order,” “Visit My Site,” “Email My Site,” or “All Orders.”
Steps for accessing these and what they do are the same as Girl Scout view
Troop login means that sales will be credited to the whole troop—such as at a cookie booth. All cookie booth credit card payments will go through the Troop Login in the Mobile App. Booths will not display in the Girl Scout Login.
New Cookie Order—Troop login view
When processing a new order, during the checkout steps, if the selection “Give cookies to customer now” is selected the user will see additional options. Once a user has selected “Sold at a booth” they will be able to select that specific booth. When reviewing the order users can see which booth was selected. View screenshot
Approving orders: all users when logged in as the troop will be able to view, approve/decline orders the same way Girl Scouts can above. Troop volunteers should discuss with family members how they want the troop orders to be handled prior to using the app.
All Orders: The All Orders button is used to view all of the orders visible by delivery method.
Click the green arrow to view all orders under that specific delivery method.
See order details. Click the green arrow next to the order, the details will appear. Users can then review the order, see the status and depending on the type of order and status the user can approve/decline the order or mark it as delivered. View screenshot
Girl Scouts can see the rewards they can earn for selling cookie packages, get more details about each reward, and select which ones they want when they unlock a new reward level. View screenshot
To access the information and see what rewards are available, click the “My Rewards” tab in Digital Cookie. Girl Scouts can see what rewards are available at various packages sold levels AND if the council offers other types of rewards from Digital Cookie sales or emails, they would be displayed here also.
Girl Scouts can also see where their cookie goal and progress towards the rewards! Click on the down arrow on the right side to see the reward. If it’s locked, the Girl Scout hasn’t yet sold enough packages. As Girl Scouts earn a reward, they will see a message on their “My Rewards” tab.
The sales totals for the rewards the Girl Scout has earned comes from total number of cookies the troop volunteer has transferred to the Girl Scout along with their online sales from Digital Cookie. Check with the troop volunteer if you believe the information is incorrect.
When they earn a new reward, they can select if there is more than one choice at that level. They can also indicate the size they want if available. Selections can be chanced at any time prior to the rewards due date, found on the top of the screen.
If the troop volunteer needs to adjust the record of sales, it could impact the Girl Scout’s rewards. Should that happen, the Girl Scout would see a message letting them know that rewards had changed. View screenshot
After the rewards deadline has passed, Girl Scouts can still view the rewards that they earned but can’t make any edits to their choices. The troop leader will use the Girl Scouts rewards selections found in Digital Cookie and will submit them in the Troops Smart Cookies for the final Reward Order.
Need help to login? Click “Help” at the bottom of the page to go to
the Help Center for FAQ’s, tip sheets, and more. View screenshot
Select which role and category you need support on. View screenshot
Inside each
category will have detailed instruction, links to tip sheets, or
even video tutorials to help you. View screenshot
After looking,
still can't find what you need? Contact customer support. View screenshot
Click the topic you
need help with and complete the form for more assistance. Or click
Live Chat button to chat with a Digital Cookie support agent
during business hours. View screenshot