¿Qué hacen las Girl Scouts? | Girl Scouts River Valleys
three campers with matching t-shirts on a camp trail three campers with matching t-shirts on a camp trailthree campers with matching t-shirts on a camp trail
Haz Amistades
a Brownie Girl Scout with a megaphone a Brownie Girl Scout with a megaphone a Brownie Girl Scout with a megaphone
Lidera Tu Camino
four excited campers with backpacks four excited campers with backpacksfour excited campers with backpacks
Encuentra Aventuras
Girl Scout with a project board and binder to display her Gold Award Project Girl Scout with a project board and binder to display her Gold Award ProjectGirl Scout with a project board and binder to display her Gold Award Project
Gana Insignias
Únete a las Girl Scouts
Únete a las Girl Scouts

Amistad, aventura y la oportunidad de marcar la diferencia — todo comienza aquí.