Outdoor Cooking and Camping Training for Adults at Camp Singing Hills - May 3
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Date: Sat May 03, 10:00 AM CDT - Sat May 03, 4:00 PM CDT
  • Adult Training
  • Volunteers

Adult Member Price $10 
Location: Waterville, MN 
Registration Closes Apr 20

Adult Volunteers: Get ready for your first overnight adventure with this training designed for volunteers who have little or no experience in outdoor cooking or tent camping, or for those who want a refresher. You will learn essential outdoor cooking skills, including fire-building techniques, charcoal and camp stove cooking, and outdoor dishwashing and sanitation methods as outlined in the safety activity checkpoints. The training will guide you through the steps of planning a simple overnight adventure for Girl Scouts sleeping in a cabin or tents. You will also learn what gear is necessary for a trip, as well as how to set up and care for a tent. Additionally, there will be opportunities to discover the fun in teaching knots, map reading, and other outdoor activities. The Undernight training includes many components of the Girls Sleep Out and Cook Out training. 

Included: Outdoor Adventure Handbook (a planning guide for outdoor excursions) 

Please bring: Food to cook for lunch - an array of options will be sent prior to the event. 

Payment details: This event has a minimum deposit. Deposits are non-refundable and non-transferrable. Full payment is due by registration close date.

If requesting financial assistance, please pay the deposit with a credit card and select Financial Aid as a payment type. After registering, visit girlscoutsrv.org/financial-assistance to submit your financial assistance application.  

If planning to pay using program credits, please pay the deposit with a credit card and select Program Credits as a payment type. Submit Program Credits by using this form

Cancellations: To receive a refund, less the non-transferable/non-refundable deposit, we must receive your cancellation notice by the posted cancellation deadline (30 days prior to the event). To cancel your registration, submit the Events & Camp Cancellation Form.  

 See our full Camp and Event Registration and Cancellation Policy (Updated January 2022) 

Your Questions: If you have questions, please contact us online, by email (girlscouts@girlscoutsrv.org), or by phone (800-845-0787).