A Day in the Life of a Woman in Construction with Mortenson - Mar 8
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Date: Sat Mar 08, 9:00 AM CST - Sat Mar 08, 12:30 PM CST
  • STEM
  • Cadettes,
  • Volunteers

Girl Member Price: $24; Adult Member Price $0
Location: Centerville, MN
Registration Closes Feb 23

Grades 6-8: Join the Mortenson Construction team to learn more about a "Day in the Life" of a woman in construction! Girl Scouts will be exposed to the wide range of opportunities within the construction industry. Attendees will be given the opportunity to participate in real-life demonstrations and activities that will have you experiencing 'A Day in the Life' of what could be your future career path!

Included: Power Girls patch, snack

Adult/Girl Ratio:  Adult chaperones are required to register and attend with youth members. Please limit adult registration and attendance to 1-2 adults for every 10 youth. 

Payment details: This event has a minimum deposit. Deposits are non-refundable and non-transferrable. Full payment is due by registration close date.

If requesting financial assistance, please pay the deposit with a credit card and select Financial Aid as a payment type. After registering, visit girlscoutsrv.org/financial-assistance to submit your financial assistance application.  

If planning to pay using program credits, please pay the deposit with a credit card and select Program Credits as a payment type. Submit Program Credits by using this form

Cancellations: To receive a refund, less the non-transferable/non-refundable deposit, we must receive your cancellation notice by the posted cancellation deadline (30 days prior to the event). To cancel your registration, submit the Events & Camp Cancellation Form.  

 See our full Camp and Event Registration and Cancellation Policy (Updated January 2022) 

Your Questions: If you have questions, please contact us online, by email (girlscouts@girlscoutsrv.org), or by phone (800-845-0787).